Friday, April 27, 2007

..........lets call the first Democratic Party presidential debate "Operation Self-Destruct".
I was able to watch about 30 minutes of the debate last night. It is clear to me at this point that; 1) there is no Democratic presidential candidate that I can really put my faith in; 2) there is no Democratic candidate that is willing to be very specific on any issue; 3) that I will probably have to vote for a Republican in nothing changes. I can't "not vote". I see it as an American duty for all citizens to vote. Give me a candidate!!!!

..........did someone say "CLINTON"?
Now that's what I call "puttin' on your game face"! I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end. No wonder the president does what he tells him to do.

..........sometimes we have to be made aware that our talents lie elsewhere!!! Now, some Friday Funnies........
"I got myself a new computer this week. I got the Alberto Gonzales Dell computer. Have you seen this one? It destroys your e-mails and has no memory." ---Jay Leno
"Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. Do you know what would happen if Cheney was impeached? George Bush would become acting president." ---Jay Leno
"There was a prison riot in Indianapolis today. Over 35 former congressmen were involved." ---Jay Leno
"Earlier today, President Bush met with the president of Peru. When the Peruvian president invited Bush to visit Machu Picchu, Bush said, 'Great, I love Pokemon.'" --Conan O'Brien
Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

..........making points with the young folks!!!
So, George is doing yet another photo op at an elementary school, and this one’s been going pretty well, so he offers to take questions. A little boy raises his hand.“Okay, you,” says George, smiling. “What’s your name?”“Billy.”“Billy. And what’s your question?”“I have three questions,” Billy says. “First, why did you go to war without UN approval? Second, why are you president when Gore got more votes? Third, where’s Osama bin Laden?”George is taken aback. “Uh, those are really hard questions,” he says.Just then the bell rings. “Whoops, time for recess!” George says. “Guess I’ll have to answer your questions when recess is over.”After recess, when the kids have settled back down again, George says “Okay, who’s got a question?”A little kid raises his hand, and George calls on him.“What’s your name?” George asks.“Steve.”“Okay, Steve. What’s your question?”“I have five questions,” Steve says. “First, why did you go to war without UN approval? Second, why are you president when Gore got more votes? Third, where’s Osama bin Laden? Fourth, why did the bell for recess ring twenty minutes early? And fifth, what happened to Billy?”

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

.........."I sense a disturbance in the Force."
This quote was made yesterday by Jedi Master, Yoda in regard to the recent call for impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney by Democrat House Member (and presidential candidate) Dennis Kucinich. Does the Sith Lord tremble? Hardly. This is just another waste of time and an opportunity to do some political grand-standing. Are you surprised by my analysis of the impeachement? You shouldn't be. Dick Cheney won't and can't be impeached at this point. Look guys, it's nearly 2008 - "ride it out"! Go ahead Kucinich, fall on your sword and end all the misery and negative publicity that you will soon gain!

Monday, April 23, 2007

..........what kind of a world do we live in when a guy like this gets death threats?
Hi everyone (both of my readers); long time, no blog. It's getting busy in the life of this high school teacher. The family and I went to Disney World for Spring Break, and it was an outstanding vacation! It was in the mid-high 80's every day; which in itself, felt great. We got back home and it snowed the very next day!
Alright, lets get down to business. How about a non-political post? I knew you would love that. This is a picture of Knut the polar bear, and he is receiving death threats. Knut does not have a mother and has been fed by only by humans. He will be totally dependant on humans for the rest of his life. Knut currently resides in the Berlin, Germany Zoo. The animal rights folks say that zoos are cruel to animals and Knut should be executed because he can't possibly survive in the wild. This means life behind bars for young Knut. I'm going to have to take Knut's side on this one. Knut has never known the wild and; therefore, will not miss the wild. He only knows his zoo environment and his interactions with humans. I doubt that Knut would have a bad life. He gets "three squares a day" (I love saurkraut and sausage, and the Krauts have the best beer on the planet), all the girls love him, and he doesn't have to worry about those things in the wild that will cause stress (just imagine something like global warming - oh, wait; there is no global warming). It's like being Attorney General, screwing it up, and resigning with a more than adequate retirement package that you could never dream of getting! Opps, sorry - this is about the bear, about the bear, about the bear. Anyway, maybe we should look at our "life in prison" guys like that. They have known a life on the outside. After a conviction for some horrible crime, they are sentenced to a life behind bars. Maybe the humane thing to do is just kill them??? Being in prison is cruel. I bet the prisoners would argue that point too. I think Knut should live. I think Gonzales should resign - focus, focus, it's about the bear. Right, the bear. Knut will bring great joy to many lives if he is to live. Live, Knut, live!!!! Resign Gonzales, resign!!!!

Friday, April 06, 2007's Eastertide.

Sorry, but no Friday Funnies today - it's Good Friday. I'm looking forward to our service tonight. We had Maundy Thursday service last night and I was very moved with the theme of the service and the scripture. Listening to the scripture, I tried to imagine that there is Jesus having the Last Supper with his Disciples. He knew that this was the end. He was going to go to a certain horrible and painful death. He was going to suffer for all those who would follow him. He also knew that someone very close to him would betray him. The love and grace of God is the Eastertide. I am so very thankful for this sacrifice. I hope all of you choose to worship this weekend and celebrate the great love of God our Father during Easter. God gave his only begotten son for us that we may have everlasting life through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. The Lord be with you.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

..........will we fight Iran???
Iran appears to be giving us a reason to attack that even the Sith Lord of the Dark Side wouldn't have imagined? Strange days indeed. If it does hit the fan in Iran, enjoy $6/gallon gas. Don't worry - kitty is not scared!!!!'s the real Col. Klink!!!!
Those of you who know me and are aware of my circumstances here in the land of milk and honey, know who I'm referring to.

Monday, April 02, 2007 favorite president.
I know what you're thinking. How can Ronald Reagan be his favorite president after some of the Republican blasting that he has done in the past couple of months? It's simple; Ronald Reagan is the epitome of the "true leader". Ronald Reagan started with nothing except a dream to achieve something in his life. He came from a less than adequate home life and earned his way through the opportunities provided by America. Ronald Reagan lived the true American Dream. I voted for Ronald Reagan twice, with the upmost confidence that I was doing the right thing. He did not let my expectations down in any way, shape, or form; in fact, he exceeded the requirements of president. Ronald Reagan brought back pride in America after some hard times (the Vietnam War, Watergate, the Iran Hostage Crisis), and made us all want to be better Americans. I will have to say, President Reagan is one of the reasons I joined the Army in the fall of 1982. He made Americans want to serve and beat the spread of Communism. How did he do it, and where have others since him gone wrong? Ronald Reagan was a communicator. He could make you feel at ease or stir you to act when it was necessary. No president since has been able to achieve his status on that point. I may be wrong, but I never felt he was out of control. He seemed to always have his hand firmly on the wheel. Again, how can I not like Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld - they worked in the Reagan administration? At the time, both were doing as they were told. Not everyone has the leadership qualities of a man such as Ronald Reagan. Many men have great vision and wisdom for America. Ronald Reagan is clearly one of my heroes. I consider him the greatest American leader of my time. I would delight in the day that we could elect another person to the presidency that has his leadership and communication skills; regardless of the political party. I want to see a leader! It doesn't look great for 2008 at this point. I truly believe the Republicans have the strongest candidates. Would I support a Republican? I would without hesitation. Just give me a strong leader who is willing to represent outstanding ethics in the office, protect the nation without biased, rebuild our standing in the world, recognize the domestic agenda, communicate with the people, and who will celebrate all that is great in America. The press can go on and on about all the marital affairs, divorces, etc, - I don't really give a rat's behind about all that - give me a leader!!!