Friday, June 20, 2008

..........Iowa flooding.
This is, at the very least, a tragic situation. The levee failures along the Mississippi River will leave massive destruction of homes and farmland for hundreds of miles. How will the government respond? Unfortunately, no matter what happens, the response will be widely criticized. The entire response will be based on the New Orleans disaster. If FEMA responds at the same level or at a lesser level of competence, the entire institution will be on the chopping block as "ineffective". The result will be change of leadership, reorganization, etc. If the response is much greater than that shown in New Orleans, the response will be; "you helped them because they're white!" This certainly won't be the time to pull out the race card; but, I'm almost sure it will happen. I don't really know what the plan for getting the water out of the flooded areas will be; but, there does seem to be a place for the water go in this case. I hate to see anyone go through something like this. The Army Corps of Engineers is already telling everyone that the levees were not built to withstand a flood of this magnitude. In other words; "it's not our fault!" I really don't care who's fault it is, and I don't want to point a finger at anyone. These people need help! I know the volunteer response will be swift and sincere. I hope the government can organize, cut through the red tape, and get the job done in the most efficient way possible. I do hope the response by FEMA is better than that in NOLA. I certainly don't want our government to fail these people by not being organized enough to get the job done. It's in the best interest of the people involved to leave all the politics out of this one. Let's just get the aid to the people that need it, and get them back on their feet.

Monday, June 16, 2008

..........are we alone?

From the BOTEITG department of cool stuff:

European scientists on Monday said they had located five 'super-Earths', each of them between four and 30 times bigger than our planet, in a trio of distant solar systems. Three of the five 'super-Earths' -- so-called because they are several times the mass of our own planet -- orbit a star known as HD 40307 some 42 light years away, the scientists reported. They have 4.2, 6.7, and 9.4 times the mass of the Earth, and orbit their sun in periods of 4.3, 9.6, and 20.4 days, respectively. A 20 day year....sounds cool. Winter would only last five or six days. Perfect! No word on the whole "other life forms out there" yet. Now, go watch Star Trek, E.T., Star Wars, and Contact; or, maybe The Twilight Zone.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

..........the practice fields.

Let's begin with a short quiz:

Which is smarter?
1. A box of hair
2. A high school football coach?

If you guessed; "A box of hair", then you are correct.

Which is the most considerate?
1. A raging bull charging at a red cloak?
2. A high school football coach?

If you guessed; "A raging bull charging at a red cloak", then you are correct again.

Where am I going with this? It's time for the practice fields to be lined again. After the fiasco of last year, I told our idiot football coaches that they were to call me before they attempted to line the field. They did, at least, do that. Don't worry, they got their benefit from it - they don't have to do any of the hard work. You would think that a coach, who has 32 years of experience could lay out the corners and mark a practice field. Not the case here. The other guy can do it; but, his response is this; "Well, it doesn't really matter to us if the field is squared-off or not. We just need the lines for general reference." Translation: screw you, band director guy. We're the only ones that matter! With this set of circumstances, I got a two day notice that it had to be done or they would do it themselves. My reply; "I'll be there on Thursday morning to do it." Football coach response; "Sorry I won't be there to help you on Thursday morning, I have to go to Wilkesboro." So, I take my youngest daughter, Lauren, with me to the field at 10:00 AM to find the corners and put down some lines. When we get there, the football coach (remember, the guy who couldn't be there that morning), is on the field mowing! Damn it all! I went to the upper field to begin there, even though I hadn't planned on doing that field right now. Two hours later, we went to the lower field and worked on it. The whole job took a little over four hours to complete. The only satisfaction I have is that I know that it has been done correctly. Coaches are assholes who care only about themselves. I'll remember that when they want a "pep band" to cheer them on at those "important" conference games at other schools this season. I would probably teach longer than my 30 year term of service if it were not having to constantly deal with stupid, inconsiderate coaches. There probably are a couple of good high school coaches around - just not around me! Stupid coaches! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

..........quick, get me to my undisclosed location!
Scott McClellan will testify before a House committee next week about whether Vice President Dick Cheney ordered him to make misleading public statements lie about the leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity. "I have extended an invitation to Mr. McClellan to testify before the Judiciary Committee after discussions between committee staff and his attorneys," House Judiciary Chair John Conyers said. "In his book, Mr. McClellan suggests that senior White House officials may have obstructed justice and engaged in a coverup regarding the Valerie Plame leak. This alleged activity could well extend beyond the scope of the offenses for which Scooter Libby has been convicted and deserves further attention. "McClellan will testify publicly and under oath before the House Judiciary Committee on June 20 about the White House's role in the leak and its response, his attorneys said on Monday. You're right; it's definitely more about political revenge than about justice; but, what goes around may also come around to bite you in the rear when you make the right person mad enough. Who really knows who or what to believe anymore?

..........I hate this place!!!!
You can count the positive experiences that I've had at a WalMart on the fingers of one hand. First, the entire organization is a pawn of Chinese industry, and most of what they sell puts Americans out of manufacturing jobs. Do you remember when WalMart boasted of selling only American-made goods? Yes, it has been a long time ago, and was also prior to the death of Sam Walton. In my most recent experience, I went to WalMart yesterday to purchase a new set of tires for our Ford Explorer. Lisa found a set the day before. At that time, they only had four in stock. She asked if she could pay for them now and have them put on the next day. No, that would not work. She would have to take them with her at the time of purchase. At the time, she was driving a Toyota Camry. Enter me. I went to the store with the intention of a simple tire and oil change for my morning agenda. I drove around to the back of the store where the auto center is located. I went in the door and met my WalMart representative, after she was finished taking her break - I stood there at the counter while she finished a Coke, taking her own good time. When she finally waddled over to help me, I gave her the printout of the tire information that Lisa got the day before. She gets a queer look on her face as she accesses the computer, and then says; "The computer says we only have three of these tires." I said; "Yes, the other one was to come from display." She came back; "Oh, we can't sell the one on display. We'll have to order the other one." At that point, I knew my mission was going to be frustrating and incomplete. "When can you get them here"; I replied. After yelling a question to the one person working in the tire/oil change area, she told me that the truck may or may not run this week; and they never know when or how many tires are on each load. Even then, I still couldn't pay for and reserve a set of the tires. I stood there with a blank look on my face. She was beginning to ramble on and on about how it wasn't her problem, etc., etc. I stopped her and said; "Just let me out of here." She unlocked the door to the service area and I went on my way. WalMart is a corporation put in America to undermine anyone with the slightest sense of intelligence. WalMart is stupid. Stupid people work at WalMart. I will shop at WalMart only when it becomes absolutely necessary for me to do so. I hate WalMart. After leaving WalMart, I went to a local independent service station that offers tire service. I like this guy; but, I thought his prices would be way over what I wanted to pay. He tells me that he will order me a set of tires that are actually better than what I was going to get at WalHell, and the price was $2 per tire less. I am scheduled to get my new tires and oil change on Thursday.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

..........the summer movies are here!

Well, they've actually been here for a while before now; but, now I'm here and ready to go see some movies! I really enjoy going to see the summer blockbuster movies, and these are the two I'm looking forward to the most. I make a real effort not to look at or listen to any reviews before I see a movie. Most of the time, I don't agree with the paid review types, or the guy who has to compare the sequal to the original. I've been watching Indy for over twenty years at the movies, and I know the new Narnia movie will have to be good as well (special effects). At any rate, I hope to go see Indy sometime this week, and maybe Narnia next week. Alright, enough posting - it's time to get back to my summer vacation!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

..........moving forward?

Well, it happened - my first born graduated from high school on Friday night! High school graduation is one of the defining moments for every son/daughter; but, maybe even a bigger one for the parents. I'm pleased to say that we are very close to our children. We have always valued the closeness of family more than anything else. There are several moments in the life of your children that you'll never forget............1) the moment of birth. At that point, you realize that you never really understood love for another human being in such a complete way.; 2) going to daycare.; 3) the first day of school.; 4) confirmation into the church.; 5) the first date/driving.; 6) high school graduation. All of these moments promote the independence of your child as an individual, and each moment forces the parents to let go a little more each time. It's tough to turn loose; but, it has to be done. (Maybe I need to watch, Finding Nemo again.) I didn't "go all to pieces" at the actual graduation ceremony. It's pretty difficult to get very emotional at such an undignified ceremony. Maybe I'll post about the ceremony at a different time; but I will say that the value of a good education was not quite the celebration that was taking place. I felt like I was at a wild NASCAR event most of the time. Oh well, back to my point. The ceremony itself was not emotional for me. I was very happy for Megan, and smiled with great pride as she walked across the stage to receive her diploma from the Principal. I did; however, get pretty emotional a few days before. I was alone in my office and typing the 2008-09 marching band roster. I just used the last year's roster and deleted/added names as necessary. When I got to the horn section, I had to delete Megan's name. At that point, I realized that she wasn't going to be here with me anymore. I stopped and cried like a small child as the emotion overwhelmed me. I think this moment got me over the hump and allowed me to move forward. There are a couple more moments yet to transpire before I can truly move on. Band Camp will be tough, as I've been used to having her there for the past four years; and, the moving day into college. I won't mess that up for Megan when it happens; because, I know it will be very exciting for her. I'm sure that Lisa and I both will shed tears on the way home. I'm really excited for Megan and her next step into the life journey. We've tried to be a strong family, and we've tried our very best to teach good life lessons and values by our own example. From this point on, we, as parents, must trust in God, to lead and guide Megan in the right way. I have that trust. Being a caring parent is not easy work at all; but, I wouldn't change a thing. Congratulations, Megan!