Friday, October 31, 2008

..........public school reform!

I'm close to feeling a "rant' coming on! In North Carolina last school year there was a high school dropout rate of nearly 30%. Can you believe that? The rate of dropouts were 3 out of ten students! The solution offered by our state education administrators - re-tool the entire system to compensate for the 30%. Yes, we can hide our inability to reform society by showing an effort to reform the schools. It should be easy enough. The school employees are under the control of the government - they have to do what we say! It's odd that you never hear much about the 70% that do graduate from our public schools. Here in our school alone (graduation class sizes average 215), we had over $1.4 million of scholarships offered to the 2008 graduating class. That's not too bad. My daughter got about $45,000 of that herself (brag)! We have graduates that attend community college, four-year private colleges, US Military Academies, and some of the best universities in the nation. Did the public schools fail them? Sure, we can always make improvements, but these kids took advantage of the opportunities given to them and made the system work.

Now, on to the rant. In a recent board of education meeting in a large and influential school system here in NC, the BOE passed a proposal to drop the needed graduation credits for their system to the state minimum as to graduate students earlier. And where do the dropped credits come from? You got it - the arts and electives programs! You see, this has nothing at all to do with the welfare of students, but everything to do with saving money. It'll take some time to materialize, but this will eventually mean a reduction of kids taking elective classes (like band) and usher in a reason to reduce funding for programs; as well as, reduce the work force. For example, when the number of kids enrolled in band and chorus reach an enrollment where there is no need to have several sections, we can combine sections. Less classes equals less of a need for two instructors - get rid of one through staff reduction, and have one person teach both chorus and band. The result? The system saves about $50,000 each year. I feel sure the plan will work for the school budget, but what about the students? The public schools are scorned by many right-wing nut jobs who don't have enough sense to see the overwhelming positive influence offered to our society. Their cry is to privatize and offer vouchers for a better education. The truth is that privatization of the schools (as clearly understood by Thomas Jefferson - a pretty solid thinker) would result in a wide-gap class society. Of course, that's what most Republicans want. Okay, here we go, and I can hear it from where I'm sitting - "you're a socialist"! No, I'm not a socialist. I'm just a Conservative Democrat who knows that the survival of America will depend on education of everyone; an education that is offered equally to everyone, and an education that offers many opportunities for students to find their forte in life. The shroud of school reform is a means to do nothing more than save money. I regret this for our society; for in the years to come, there will be a definite reduction in the arts and vocational courses offered to American youths. This will not be reform, but tragedy. Like it or not, art defines a creative mind. Here's a Beware of the Elephant in Tall Grass prediction: Instrumental music education will be eliminated from the NC public schools as classes offered during the regular school day in ten years! At that time, all music ensembles in existence will meet as extra curricular. What will happen to the music teachers? They will be located at colleges and universites, and will be offered a stipend to teach high school students at the end of the regular school day. Does that seem far fetched? Just remember, you read it here!

..........that's what I'm talkin' about!
Beer, shotgun, bimbo, and a Palin shirt! I wonder if that is Bob the Builder; you know, Joe's brother?

..........and then, desperation set in at the McCain camp!
Conclusion: Epic Campaign Fail.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

..........North Carolina is a battleground state, and one of NASCAR's founders just endorsed Obama.

This is from NASCAR legend, Junior Johnson:

Every day I talk to someone else who's never voted for a Democrat, but now they're voting for Barack Obama. They realize that Barack understands what we're going through here in North Carolina. And they're ready for change. So I've made up my mind, and I'm ready to get involved. I know that I could never have won a race without my pit crew, and I know Barack can't win this one without us. Can you sign up to volunteer this last crucial week? When I talk to folks about why I support Barack, I just tell it like I see it. There's been a lot thrown at him this election, and he's stayed calm, positive, and focused. I know a little something about how important it is to stay cool under pressure. And with all the dangers in our world today, that's the kind of rock-solid leadership our country needs.
These days, I run a small country ham and pork skins business. Barack Obama will fight for a fair economy where small businesses like mine have the freedom to grow, and he'll defend the Second Amendment to protect the hunter's way of life. But the most important reasons I'm speaking out for Barack Obama are named Robert and Meredith, my two children. My wife Lisa and I talked it over, and honestly, we know in our gut that their future is more secure if Barack Obama is president. At the end of the day, there's just nothing more important than that.
That's why I'm going to talk to my neighbors this week, and I'm asking you to do the same. This election in North Carolina is going to be one of the closest ever, and we all need to lend a hand.
Join me by volunteering this week:
I've been in a lot of races in my life. But this may be the most important one of all. So let's all get in gear and win it together.


Junior Johnson

P.S. -- I know what it means to run an aggressive race, but I also know what it means to compete with integrity. Have you gotten one of these pre-recorded calls that are flooding our state smearing Barack Obama's character and questioning his patriotism? That's crossing the line, and North Carolinians deserve better. Help fight back by canvassing this week to tell your neighbors the truth about Barack.

You just think about what 'ole Junior said the next time you fry up some country ham, bite into a deep fried pork skin, go huntin', or haul your next load of illegal liquor to market!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 first 5K!!!

I completed my first 5K on Saturday. The Piney Creek School, Run For Gracie 5K was held to raise money for a paved walking track. My wife signed me up for the event. When I got there, the kids had already begun with their one-mile fun run. Lisa had me pre-registered, so I just enjoyed watching other people. There were some pretty serious runners there and some other folks like myself. Start time was 10:00 AM sharp! Off we go on a beautiful course that winds through some extraordinary countryside views of Alleghany County. The fast runners soon pulled away and out of sight. I completed the race in good time and went into the building for the awards. Much to my surprise, I won second place in the 44-49 year old men's class! Not bad for a first time racer. The first place guy was about 6'-8" and a lean runner type. I was second, and, well; that finished up the classification. Now, I didn't finish last. There were three women and a 4-year old who finished behind me. Oh, and my time? I walked the course in 46 minutes. I think we raised about $7,500 for the trail. For my next 5K, I'm hoping to break 45 minutes!

.........."I like to remain active with politics."

.........."my homies left me!"

..........Governor Palin on the game show circuit.

Monday, October 27, 2008 explanation on what went wrong with the economy.

..........I've got a great idea for a reality show.
You could take a scary old guy and have him living in a mansion with his much younger girlfriends! We could call it The Girls Next Door. Alright, someone beat me to it!

.........."Next stop, FOX News anchor!"

.........."Ohhhh-kay, we've gotta' go now."
Sarah Palin threw her husband under the bus today and emboldened cheap husbands and boyfriends everywhere by announcing her wedding ring cost $35. Note that there are no commas in that figure. Those two numbers stand together. A three followed by a five. Then a period - 35 bucks.
On top of this, she announced that Todd didn’t even buy it. She bought it herself. Governor Palin also said the reason she doesn't wear it, is that it hurts when she shakes hands. "You betcha!"

Friday, October 24, 2008

..........the right decision!

Lately, I've been questioning my decision to retire from teaching after next school year. There are things about teaching the band that I truly get great joy out of. For example, I never get tired of the crowd response when the marching band comes onto the field for their field show performances. It's as special to me now as it was when I started teaching in 1982. I also take great joy in seeing a student happy with his/her progress after I compliment them upon doing something outstanding. These joys; however, are taking a real back seat to the negative things involved in leading a group of high school musicians. I am taken for granted and truly not appreciated by my students. This is evident in the amount of respect and commitment that they exhibit on a daily basis. I can be sharing the wealth of my knowledge to them on any given day in class, and I will have to stop a minimum of 3-5 times to stop the talking long enough to get my point across (this all in the span of five minutes). The commitment of being present for rehearsals and performances is a real problem. Our football game was cancelled tonight and moved to Saturday night. The football team is required to be there, the cheerleaders are required to be there, but the band just doesn't seem to be able to work it into their schedules. After class today I had a minimum of eight (I actually lost count after that) students who informed me that they had "other plans" and just wouldn't be able to attend. I really don't think I could organize a game of dodge ball with these people if I didn't plan it three months in advance. With all this being said, I don't regret my decision to retire. My best years are well behind me in the teaching field. I must have become ineffective at some point, because my students don't seem to care about the band anymore. I don't know what I would tell someone who is just starting this business. Students and parents are at a level of irresponsibility that has never been seen before in our American society. It shames me to think that Americans are becoming that complacent. If our country is great, it is not by the hand of the current generation. The worth of an education is of little consequence to them. So, I will stick to my decision without regret. I have given my all to my students, and I don't regret that - they do deserve the best. It's a shame that they don't appreciate it. At any rate, retirement and the end of my teaching career cannot come soon enough!

..........does anyone view this as "completely unprofessional" for a candidate and his female running mate?
Every time I turn around I see another picture of McCain hugging and putting his hands all over her. Women should be appalled with this behavior! Sarah Palin's facial expressions seem to tell the story of how much she enjoys being a means to an end.

.........."Piper just loves her Louis Vuitton bag! Thanks, RNC small donors!"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

..........Warning, Warning, Danger, Danger!

The results of the November 4 election is not what America has to fear. No, not at all. The fear that should strike in the hearts of all Americans is that of what will be the adults of our society in the next ten years! In all my days as a school teacher, I have never seen anything that matches the apathetic attitude of today's youth! I know, I know; all people in their 40's say the same thing about the young generation; but this time I'm completely convinced it's true. This teenage generation is nothing but a "point and click" group of people. When the going gets tough; they get going - that is away from anything that causes the least amount of effort! If they can't get the information from Google, they will just be content in not having the information. This generation is not really good at anything. Commitment is something that is totally foreign to their thinking, and teamwork is not existent. You don't have to worry about the country slipping into a socialist society, because in a socialist environment, everyone will have to contribute something! I wish I could be more positive, but if I were, it would be a lie. My advise to all of you - open up a savings account and put back as much money as possible for your older age; because, the children we are raising now won't put forth the effort to help you survive your senior years!

Monday, October 20, 2008

.........."I am not a crook!"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

...........he took McCain's advice...

and held his own brand of town hall meeting in St. Louis. This gathering of Obama supporters was over 100,000. John McCain couldn't be reached for comments, as he was in Washington voting with Bush over 90% of the time (according to his own statement). I'll have to take this opportunity to disagree with John McCain when he tells Obama that he's not running against Bush. Quite the contrary. The McCain Camp is nothing but an extension of the same old failed policies and decisions by the Bush Mis-Administration.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

..........Caribou Barbie and the potential, "Second Dude", watch the last debate.
"Well, there goes snowmobiling around the Naval Observatory!"; thought Todd. Hey Sarah, where's your flag pin?'s the John McCain expression that I loved best.
Yes, that's Cotton from King of the Hill. His son sells propane and propane accessories. I watched the final debate last night, and here is my impression. John McCain had no choice other than to go on the attack, and that he did. He came off as a grumpy, old guy with a chip on his shoulder about as big as the state of Arizona! I thought he handled himself well on the issues, and I was impressed with his knowledge of said issues. The one disturbing thing has to do with a personal situation that would effect me and my family if John McCain is elected; and that has to do with his health care plan. John McCain proposes a $5,000 tax incentive to each American to purchase health insurance. I work for the state of NC, and one of the biggest selling points for employment with the state is the health coverage. If every American is guaranteed a $5,000 tax break to purchase their own policy, that will give the state legislators the very tool they need and want to cut all state employees off with health coverage. Many of us won't be able to come close to buying a sufficient policy for $5,000; and tax break or not, we'll still be paying for the policy out of our pocket until tax time. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised at the health care and insurance industry if they raised all premiums to compensate for those who would now not have policies purchased through the state system. This is a bad plan any way that you look at it. I could care less how "the maverick" feels about Roe v. Wade. I see a major league effect on my family if this guy is elected. Many of you will counter my thoughts with feelings about terrorists and the war. At this point, I'm willing to take my chances with "That One". This health care issue is going to play a major role in the fate of all Americans and the economy. A $5,000 benefit will not come close to getting the job done. I was on the fence about who I would vote for until last night. I never thought a debate would make that much difference to me, until now. John McCain has lost my vote, and I would venture to say that he has lost many more with this plan and with his obvious temper. The only people that John McCain will have in his corner now will be those that are loyal party supporters, veterans, and the folks who will vote for anyone who is against abortion. This guy is no maverick - he would be an extension of what his party would demand. You won't convince me otherwise. A real maverick wouldn't even want a party to support his election. I know there's criticism with my argument among some of my readers, but this is just how it is with me. I wonder how "Joe the Plumber" feels about it all?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

..........after asking his supporters not to shout this slogan, John McCain's folks did the next best thing - very mature actions by some fine people!
With all the name-calling and reference to domestic terriorist relations, here's a little tidbit from some of the "honest, America-loving", McCain buddies:
William Timmons, the Washington lobbyist who John McCain has named to head his presidential transition team, aided an influence effort on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to ease international sanctions against his regime.

The two lobbyists who Timmons worked closely with over a five year period on the lobbying campaign later either pleaded guilty to or were convicted of federal criminal charges that they had acted as unregistered agents of Saddam Hussein's government. During the same period beginning in 1992, Timmons worked closely with the two lobbyists, Samir Vincent and Tongsun Park, on a previously unreported prospective deal with the Iraqis in which they hoped to be awarded a contract to purchase and resell Iraqi oil. Timmons, Vincent, and Park stood to share at least $45 million if the business deal went through.

Timmons' activities occurred in the years following the first Gulf War, when Washington considered Iraq to be a rogue enemy state and a sponsor of terrorism. His dealings on behalf of the deceased Iraqi leader stand in stark contrast to the views his current employer held at the time.

John McCain strongly supported the 1991 military action against Iraq, and as recently as Sunday described Saddam Hussein as a one-time menace to the region who had "stated categorically that he would acquire weapons of mass destruction, and he would use them wherever he could."

Timmons declined to comment for this story. An office manager who works for him said that he has made it his practice during his public career to never speak to the press. Timmons previously told investigators that he did not know that either Vincent or Park were acting as unregistered agents of Iraq. He also insisted that he did not fully understand just how closely the two men were tied to Saddam's regime while they collaborated.

But testimony and records made public during Park's criminal trial, as well as other information uncovered during a United Nations investigation, suggest just the opposite. Virtually everything Timmons did while working on the lobbying campaign was within days conveyed by Vincent to either one or both of Saddam Hussein's top aides, Tariq Aziz and Nizar Hamdoon. Vincent also testified that he almost always relayed input from the Iraqi aides back to Timmons.

Talking points that Timmons produced for the lobbyists to help ease the sanctions, for example, were reviewed ahead of time by Aziz, Vincent testified in court. Proposals that Timmons himself circulated to U.S. officials as part of the effort were written with the assistance of the Iraqi officials, and were also sent ahead of time with Timmons' approval to Aziz, other records show. Moreover, there was a major financial incentive at play for Timmons. The multi-million dollar oil deal that he was pursuing with the two other lobbyists would only be possible if their efforts to ease sanctions against Iraq were successful. betcha', Sarah! It's going to be about the economy. The way this lady answers questions about the economy qualifies her to play for "the Dodgers."

Monday, October 13, 2008

.........."This is mah', ah've got 98 days left in office dance."
Or, as I like to think about it: 97 days and a wake-up! Make him stop mommy, make him stop!

Friday, October 10, 2008

..........ignoring all the polls that indicate poorly for John McCain when he directly attacks Senator Obama, he [Senator McCain] did coin a phrase that not only goes on the attack, but weakens even further the undecided voter support for him.
The most memorable line of the last debate belonged to John McCain. McCain pointed out that “That One” voted for the 05 energy bill. Look for Republicans to note in coming days that “That One” also voted for higher taxes at least 94 times; “That One” has associations with unrepentant terrorists", etc................................. Aside from turning away the undecided voters, his strategy did strengthen the far right wingnut vote; however, things like this also tend to strengthen the "I think I'm voting for Obama, but I'm not sure" voters to lean more towards Obama. Nice job, John! Maybe you could borrow that "Mission Accomplished" banner from Bush?

.........."Do you mind if I call you Barack? I just wanted to tell you how much I'm looking forward to your presidency."

.........."Before and After" shots from Mitch McConnell's plastic surgery.
I'm sure glad he's finally come to terms with his sexuality.

..........damn unemployed Americans! Just go back to work!
During a recent press briefing, White House press secretary Dana Peroxide suggested the Bush administration would oppose any effort to extend jobless benefits — a stance the White House has taken before. She explained their position by saying, “we want people to be able to return to the workplace as soon as possible.” The suggestion was that extending benefits somehow prevents people from returning to work. She concluded by saying that “the best way to help” the economy and unemployed people is for unemployed people to simply “get back to work. I like an easy fix to things - just go back to work and get off of the benefit train. ”This has been another episode of "It's NOT socialism if it benefits the wealthy".

.........."Oh, yah, starting with Obama, will you round up
all the Muslims when you're president?"

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

.........."How much longer do Ah gotta
perten' Ah know what Ah'm talkin' about?"

..........The producers of this show should take over the next presidential debate!
When is enough, enough? Trust me, I don't expect for the debates to be entertaining, but I've heard all this material before. Do we really need another debate? Are we ever going to get anything other than vague answers to burning questions? At least we didn't have to endure references to being a "Maverick" this time around. For that, I thank you, Senator McCain. All the analysts (blah, blah, blah) gave Obama the victory. Was this a victory of policy and beliefs or was it a personality victory? I think we all know the answer to that. In a popularity contest, Obama is going to win 100% of the time! Based on policy and experience, John McCain will win. This is going to be a difficult election for me to cast a vote. On the one hand, I fear a continuation of some current policies; and on the other hand, I fear radical change in a very, very volatile world economy and political climate. I do know one thing for sure; another debate featuring these two won't make or break it!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

.........."But, Sarah, you winked at ME!

And now you tell me that we can't be together?"

Monday, October 06, 2008

..........even the Texans have seen through it this time around!
The possibility of expanded vice-presidential power will certainly bring 'em out of the woodwork!

Friday, October 03, 2008

..........for those who couldn't keep up

with all the "goshes" and "darns" and "hockey moms".....

Thursday, October 02, 2008

..........the Korean version of Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Wars.

..........following the election, there will be a new spinoff show on FOX known as "At Home With Sarah".
It will be a cross between the Martha Stewart Show and Face The Nation. Expected guests on the show include Rachel Ray, Rush Limbaugh, and Ted Nugent, just to name a few. Sarah sends out a warm invitation for all "sheeple" to watch! Here's a sample of her new set.