Thursday, September 28, 2006

..........what is happening to me?

I don't know what is going on. I watched Glenn Beck last night, and I agreed with about 98.9% of what he said! The first part is about offending Muslims. I don't really care to step around anyone and their faith. I will be considerate when possible, and I do not try to offend; but, I will refuse to go very far out of my way. Being "pollitically correct" is really getting under my skin. Just recently, the Germans cancelled a Mozart opera because it was offensive to Muslims! How stupid can we be? Don't answer that! The Pope said something a couple of weeks ago and the Muslims went crazy - apologize - Hell No!!! I don't expect the Pope to apologize to anyone. I don't expect the United States to apologize to anyone either. I am in complete favor of being able to profile when "people of question" enter into our country, stay in our country, and choose to ride our mass transit systems. I would rather "offend" than to have Americans die! To Hell with anyone who does not agree with me! Did that offend you? At this point, I really don't care. I'm ready for some radical Islam folk to die in mass quantities (maybe we should send the Coneheads over there). Did you get that - yes, it was from an SNL skit. Does anyone mind if I am offended? I doubt it! I am the cornerstone of American society - the 25-50 year old adult caucasian male. Or am I a Euro-American? Or am I white? Or am I a cracker? Or am I a peckerwood? At any rate, I do not want us to sit by and let more Americans die while we try not to offend these people. Kill the bastards and let Ala sort them out!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

..........check this site out!

Here's a bit of humor to get us back on two feet after my last post. Check this site out:

..........where has it gone?

Foedus Fidelitatis

Ego vixillo fidelitatem voveo
Unitorum Statuum Americae
ac rei publicae , ipsum stat,
uni nationi,
sub Deo,
indivisibili, cum libertate atque,
iustitia omnibus.

The Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag,
of the United States of America
and to the republic, for which it stands,
one nation, under God,
with liberty,
and justice for all.

The Pledge of Allegiance in Latin and English. It might as well be in a different language if we don't show the proper respect and understand the sacrifices made each day by Americans for over two hundred years. This is about respect for a great nation being held hostage by changing values and an entire generation concerned more about "interpreted rights" rather than freedom itself. At the high school where I teach, we begin each day with the Pledge of Allegiance. Some do it because the Governor of NC said we will; and others, like myself, do it out of respect and pride. Here in NC, we have the "Character Trait of the Month". Many parents refuse to teach good character traits to their children at home; so, the Governor says we will do it for them! Sounds rather Conservative, huh? This month the character trait is "Respect". The NC Dept. of Public Instruction defines "Respect" as "showing high regard for authority, for other people, self, property, and country." Well, that is one of the last things I see from many of our students. Now, back to the Pledge of Allegiance. We begin each day with the pledge. As I stand with my hand over my heart, facing the flag which is hanging on my wall, I look over and see two students seated, with their back to the flag! These two have completely missed the boat! When I recite the Pledge, I can't help but reflect on the sacrifices that so many have made so these two "dirt bags" can show disrespect. I wouldn't have that "right" taken; but, I can be offended. Imagine the courage it took to sign the Declaration of Independence, winter at Valley Forge, preserve the Union at Gettysburg, life in the trenches of France, storm the beaches of Normandy, fight Communism in Korea, patrol the jungles of Vietnam, keep nuclear war from destroying our very way of life during the Cold War, and now, the desert battles in Iraq and Afghanistan. The men and women who have done and will do all of that for our freedom deserve the Pledge of Allegiance. If not because you believe in it (which I do deeply), then for those who have given us the ability to make choices. What these two students lack is character in general, and responsible parenting. Parents are responsible for education of such things. Don't leave this responsibility to the state. One may say that I'm too sensitive and this is just a case of two teenagers trying to get attention. I recommend giving them some attention alright! Send them outside while responsible American citizens recite the Pledge of Allegiance! This is not my usual political post - this is far more important. The United States of America is the greatest nation on the planet, and will always be just that! There is no exception to that statement. It is the responsibility of all Americans to teach respect for the nation. We can never repay the sacrifices. I, personally, am in awe of it all. God Bless America!!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

..........let's sum up the week in a single quote.

"I've got a fever........and the only prescription is more cowbell!"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

..........if you want it, you can buy it.

Well, after years of searching, I've finally located them - Indonesian Water Buffalo Bells! I found them on page #99 of "The Percussion Source" catalog ( Did I just do a commercial? At any rate, these come in a set of three, and are made of brass with a wooden clapper that can be pulled from the bell and used as a small striking mallet. Each bell is decorated with a relief of a water buffalo head. What a bargain - only $42.50 for the set of three! I've always heard, "If you make it, someone will buy it". Wasn't that the theory for the movie, "Field of Dreams" (also the honorary name of our football field here). You can also find more great instruments from this company. How about a set of Vietnamese Singing Bowls. Easy to get "singing" when the included strikers are rubbed around the unique outside turned rim. This is a set of six for only $179.50. How about this - a Quijada (jawbone). The Quijada has the teeth of the animal that vibrate in the jaw when struck on both sides(yes, it's a real jawbone). You should see the assortment of triangles. The advertised "Best Seller" is a 10mm triangle for only $405.00. This one is made by Buddy & Thein. Maybe I can get one for all the percussionists at that bargain price(sorry - drummers). These guys even have a stand for your tambourine. Why balance this intircate instrument on your knee when you can buy a tambourine stand for only $51.00. I'll end with my personal favorite - the Vietnamese Nipple gong!

Monday, September 18, 2006

..........who really cares?

Sometimes you just have to ask yourself; "who really cares?" The answer - not much of anyone. Who has time to read blogs unless you're talking family and good friends. I have only one family member who uses computers (besides my daughters), and very few friends. The friends thing is my own fault. I often ask myself why anyone would want to be my friend anyway. My interests are pretty stupid and I don't love sports. The truth is, I'm kind of a loner, and I spend too much time thinking about and being at work. I guess this will be the last post for a while, and I may delete altogether. I have been pretty "edgy" with the political stuff. I will refrain (hey, a music term) from that and just vote when I get the chance. Enjoy the low gas prices through November. I know, I said I would quit; but, 81% of money sent as political contributions from the oil companies go to Republican causes (that is a statistic I gained from the news this weekend). I bid you all, "goodbye"!

Friday, September 15, 2006

..........why can't I trust my leaders and go with the flow?

Why can't I trust the people in charge? Is it the liberal media giants that all the Repulicans say control the news that I get? Fact is, there have been so many "incidents" in government that trust cannot be earned in a resonable amount of time. Example. Gas prices are going down at an alarming rate. I know, they found that big reserve of oil in the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico. So, that is what I'm being told is the reason for the low prices. The Alaskan pipeline is still not up to par. You mean to tell me that this reserve finding has offset the pipeline malfunction and has us that much over the top? I don't believe it for one minute! Knock, knock, knock. It's less than two months from the election!!! Republicans know they are in trouble - liberal media slant or not - they are in trouble! The oil business has not been kind to the American people, and the people are sick of it!

Why don't I trust the President? Well, you could say the media told me not to; or, you could look at some facts. This President has the greatest media machine at his disposal in the history of civilization and he won't use it to communicate. I listened to the speech on September 11 (the one that was not political), and I couldn't remember the last time I saw him address the country. He seems to hide from us for some reason. President Ronald Reagan was a Republican, and I voted for him twice. Now you know that I am a strong Democrat; but, Ronald Reagan made America want to succeed by his communication. I like that. I like the fact that he was willing to communicate. This President is the absolute worst communicator that I have ever known! Comfortable in front of the camera or not, you have to communicate with your people on a regular basis.

It makes me feel guilty when I don't trust my leaders. The only thing that I can do is write to them and vote. I hope America is smart enough to make the necessary changes when the time arises. It's clear from the elections - America wants some moderation from both the Left Wing and the Right Wing politicians. I want someone who will tell me like it is, and then propose a course of action that I can get behind.

Leadership is tough. You have to make decisions and you have to defend your position almost constantly. Good leadership is willing to admit when things don't work; and, be willing to do something to make it right. Often, the original plan will not work. With honesty, trust will develop and support will be given.

Monday, September 11, 2006

..........all that really matters.

Today is the five year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. This date has had enormous impacts on all Americans. Basically, everyone in the world has been affected by the 9/11 attacks. We reflect, we try to avoid the same mistakes, and we cast blame for those horrible events. I like to reflect. My father told me that he can remember just what he was doing when he heard that President Kennedy was killed. I can remember this day five years ago quite well. It was a beautiful day in western North Carolina - not a cloud in the sky. The air was crisp and somewhat drier than usual for this time of the year. I was in the copy room at school running-off some drill charts for the marching band when one of my band kids ran into the room and said, "Turn on the TV. A plane has hit a huge building in New York!" Things went from bad to worse as the morning went on. Classes continued as usual. We didn't quite have a grasp of how our world was changing right in front of our eyes. Oddly enough, the chorus here at the high school is rehearsing John Lennon's "Imagine" while I am writing this. They have been working on the tune for a couple of weeks. I got a call later that day from one of my cousins. His brother, Jim, had a daughter (my cousin Sandy) who boarded a plane that morning in Washington, DC for a flight to the west coast. Sandy was physical therapist at the Georgetown University Medical Center. She, and some of her friends had planned and saved the entire year for a vacation in Australia. Her friends left the day before and flew to LA, where she was to meet them later in the day on September 11. She died five years ago when her plane, Flight 77, flew in the the Pentagon. Her remains were recoverd and brought to her final resting place in Caldwell County, NC. Her tombstone is very close to that of my father's, and is a constant reminder of the chain of events that changed countless lives. I had not seen Sandy for several years prior to her death and I regret that. I would most often see her at my Aunt Virginia's house when we were all there to visit. My memories of her are all plesent. Sandy was a kind and gentle person who liked to help others, and that is how I remember her. I can also see a cute 9 year old who used to love riding with me on my dirt bike. Sandy was a great person. That's all I have to say about that.

On a lighter note, all the teachers got ballots in their mailboxes this morning to help suggest some ideas for spirit week. Each school day during Spirit Week, the students dress-up according to the theme of the day. Some of the past years brought us "Redneck Day", "Twin Day", "Favorite Sports Day", "Hippie Day", "Toga Day" (that was a disaster several years ago), just to name a few. I suggested "Dumb as a Rock Day" - I got the blank stare! Beware of the Elephant in Tall Grass would love to hear your ideas for spirit week. I can then share them with the "powers that be" here at the high school. What are your suggestions for Spirit Day?

Well, I hope all of you have a time today when you can pause and and remember "all that really matters". I will pray for all the families who are still suffering the loss of September 11, 2001; and I will celebrate the heros of that day. People who make a difference are just like you and me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

..........if things were going well, we would be hearing about it!

If all was going well in the Bush administration, we would be hearing about it! The war is not going well and is being questioned every day. Alright, I know that some of you are ready to jump on that right now; but, wait a minute and think it through. The war not going well does not have anything to do with Republican vs. Democrats. It has to do with getting the mission accomplished. Now, I ask all of you, "what is the mission"? At the beginning, it was to get rid of those weapons of mass destruction. We didn't find those, so we called it Operation Iraqi Freedom. I don't know about you, but I could care less if they are free (like us) or not! If they want to be free, they can (like us) stage their own rebellion aganist the tyrant in control. If the freedom of the Iraqi people was our major concern, then there are many more nations in the world that would benefit from our good graces as well. Are we making plans to free them all? (Cuba would have been easier - it's only 90 miles away.) We all know that the agenda is not as stated, and it was not the pushover that our planners thought it would be. Old scores have been setteled and our physical presence is in the Middle East where we can protect some of our business interests. We now have a situation in Iraq that borders on civil war at best, with our troops and reputation as a nation directly in harm's way. The Iraqi people will not have a democracy in it's pure form. They will gravitate toward a religious influence, and that influence will eventually rule the day. One of our greatest strengths as a nation is the separation of church and state, and I firmly believe in it. When a government is dictated by a specific religion, it makes the club exclusive. Democratic countries are inclusive, and respect the beliefs of others. I will not believe that an Islamic state will ever be a true democracy. If all was well and the mission (whatever it is) was being accomplished, then the commander in chief would not be going around the country on a regular basis seeking support. Things are not going well, and there is a real danger that the Republicans are set to loose some very important seats in the Senate and House this November. (Did I feel the tall grass moving?)I hope all of you vote in this election. Tell your law and policy makers how you feel with a show of support either way. This lack of support for the mission is not the fault of the liberal media - quite the contrary. This lack of support is the result of poor planning in the first place. How are we going to get out of this? Lives are being lost on both sides on a daily basis. Lives are being changed for the worse on a daily basis, and all I hear is, "stay the course". What is the course? What is the mission, and when can we expect some results? I say this to all the supporters of this war and war policy. If you do support this mission, have you done everything in your power to see it through? If you are of age to serve, have you enlisted in an armed service to help get it done? Enlist, grab your weapon, and stand a watch! There are many brave men and women who are willing to do that each day. We can't insult their bravery and dedication to duty with poor policy. At best, are you volunteering your time to some organization that will help further this mission? If you are in support, do something to bring it to a quicker end. If it were going well, we would hear about it! Alright, come and get me. I know these are some pretty liberal thoughts.