.........."The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen. Begun, the Clone War has." -Yoda
Wow, it's been a month since my last post!!! "School's out, for summer....." - Alice Cooper. At last, a break. I'll start this post with the official post pic today. Is it a tribute to the 30th anniversary of Star Wars; or, is it a tribute to Mr. Five Military Draft Deferments, Darth Cheney? You can have your own with that one. How can someone be resposnible for sending so many Americans into war and have five military deferments? It's beyond me how the Dark Lord of the Sith can receive so much acclaim for his war strategies when he, himself chose not to serve. In my opinion, some of the bravest men and women of our time served in the Vietnam War. Darth Cheney said he was a supporter of the war, but at the time, he had "other priorities." Yes, other priorities like, "not getting killed while in service of your country." Enough about him; how about his "little buddy", Dubya? He was a trained fighter pilot, right in the middle of the Vietnam War. What did he do during the war? He took tens of thousands of dollars in military training and asked to be released from his duties early! I'm sure glad he was treated like all the rest of the boys! (I seem to be going into an uncontrolled rant.) Anyway, what is good for one is good for all. I love how Mr. Bush has said, "absolutely, not", in naming an exit from Iraq. BOTEITG has come across a couple of statements Mr. Bush made before becoming President of the United States: "Victory means exit strategy, and it's importantfor the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is." --George W. Bush, 4/9/99, criticizing President Clinton for not setting a timetable for exiting Kosovo. Here's another good one: "I think it's also important for the president to lay out a timetableas to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn." --George W. Bush, 6/5/99 May we just call this "the shoe now being on the other foot." Enough of that. How about the latest "brought from Texas" advisor to resign. Mr. Bush started with eight in his innermost circle. We are now down to just two; and one of those is Alberto Gonzales (how long will he last???). (There's not even enough of the original inner circle left to play a good game of musical chairs.)The other; yes, it is the Sith Apprentice, Darth Rove. The Sith always exist in pairs - a master and an apprentice.
How about some Friday Funnies????? You've got it!
"According to a new study, Viagra cures jet lag. At least that's what Bill Clinton told Hillary when she found the pills in his luggage." --David Letterman
This next entry says it all.......................
George W. Bush and a Secret Service agent are taking a stroll when they come upon a little girl carrying a basket with a blanket over it. Curious, Bush asks the girl, "What's in the basket?" She replies, "New baby kittens," and she opens the basket to show him. "How nice," says Bush. "What kind are they?" The little girl replies, "Republicans." Bush smiles, pats the little girl on the head and continues on. Three weeks later, Bush is taking another stroll, this time with Karl Rove. They see the same little girl carrying the same basket. Bush says, "Watch this, Karl; it's really cute." They approach the little girl. Bush greets the little girl and asks how the kittens are doing. She says, "Fine." Then, smirking, he nudges Rove with his elbow and asks the little girl, "And can you tell us what kind of kittens they are?" She replies, "Democrats." Abashed, Bush says, "But three weeks ago you said they were Republicans!" She quickly says, "Yes, but now their eyes are open!!!"
Have a great weekend as you work three extra jobs to pay for your family vacation this summer. The elephant will be back soon.................