Sunday, August 31, 2008

..........can you hear me now?

Cell phones, you either love 'em or hate 'em. The mobile phone is beginning to be one of the more irritating parts of life. The kids at school can't use them during school hours (7:45 AM - 3:10 PM); but they are allowed to carry the phones on their person during the same hours. What's up with that? Well, I guess the school shootings incidents at Columbine and Virginia Tech have paved the way for a complete restriction on possession of phones on school grounds. In the event of an incident, communication would be a major concern. Serious incidents aside, these are irritating little devices of communication. We live in a society that continues to lose its people skills, and cell phones have not helped matters. When the phones first became small enough to carry comfortably on one's person, the rates for usage were still high enough to keep people from using them all of the time, and there was still some standards for when to use them. Now, rates are not high and using cell phones seems to be the first consideration in any social situation. I absolutely think that answering a cell phone when you are in the middle of a conversation with someone else is completely unacceptable. I cannot begin to account for the times that I have been speaking face to face with someone, when their cell phone rings and they immediately answer it. That type of a situation automatically sends a message that your conversation was of little, if any importance. There was once a time when it was not acceptable at all to use cell phones in some situations. Now, all codes of conduct for phone use is completely gone. Before I present a band concert in our auditorium, I ask for the audience to please silence and/or turn-off all mobile phones. In a respectful society, that should not be a necessity. What really grinds my gears, is to hear a phone ring during church! What, you bring a cell phone into church with you? Today, I heard a phone ring during the sermon. It was immediately evident who got the call (you know, the phone is never easily accessible). Someone received a text message during the service. If that wasn't enough, the person who got the message passed the phone to several other people so they could see the message, too! I'm sorry, but you people just disrespected every reason that you came to church for in the first place! I'm the first guy to speak in church every Sunday morning (making the church wide announcements). I think I'll begin next week by asking the congregation to silence all cell phones. It'll be fun to see the reaction. Just last week, I heard one of our principals talking about a parent who had been called to the school to discuss the behavior of his child. The parent came into the school with one of those stupid Blue Tooth devices hanging off of his ear. He left this thing on when he went into the administrator's office; and, while in a discussion concerning the welfare of his child, answered a phone call. If that would have been me, I would have ended the conversation right then and there, and asked the parent to reschedule the meeting when he had more time to talk. Being connected is great; but, where are our personal standards going? Our people skills are suffering greatly, and with more forms of communication available, we are learning less about real communication.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

..........welcome to Baton Rouge!

I hope Baton Rouge is still in tact after the Tuesday/Wednesday attack of hurricane Gustov. I'm not going to spend any time rubbing-in the score. It took two plays on the ground, no less, for the Tigers to score in the first quarter; giving a basis for a 31-0 halftime score over ASU. The sad thing is that there were so many ASU fans who were still chanting that; "remember Michigan, it could happen again", business. It was a major victory for ASU to beat a ranked "big dog" team - I won't take that away from them; but, this is the SEC. It takes a little more than fan support, a blocked punt, and a dose of "believe in yourself" to take on LSU in Baton Rouge! The temperature was 87 degrees with over 65 percent humidity at game time. I don't know how ASU could tolerate playing in such conditions. I give a shout out to the band members for both teams. They stayed in full uniform for the whole game (you know, camera time on ESPN). That had to be miserable. The Mountaineers have a lot to be proud of. Three consecutive national championships in their league is quite impressive. They can definitely go back to Boone with their heads held high. They represented all who love Appalachian State with a very dignified performance.

.........."Buh-bye, election! Don't forget to write!"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

..........Geaux Tigers!!!
What? I live in northwestern North Carolina and I don't want to see the crowd from Boone beat a team from Louisiana? I'm sorry to offend anyone out there. I know all the ASU folks are chanting; "remember Ann Arbor". This ain't Ann Arbor, slick! I love the tee shirts around Boone; "Where the Heck is Ann Arbor?" Don't worry, you'll definitely remember where Baton Rouge is located after this weekend. This bunch from Baton Rouge brings a whole different level of competition to the table. These people are serious about LSU football. This will be like a JV vs. the Varsity scrimmage. I've seen LSU play twice in person. The first time was in the January, 2002 Sugar Bowl; and most recently the January, 2008 BCS National Championship. Both games were played in the Louisiana Superdome, and both games found the Tigers victorious. The best part will be halftime (you know, the part that ESPN won't show)! The 325 piece Golden Band from Tigerland is awesome! The game is scheduled for Saturday, August 30; 4:00 PM; and will be broadcast live on ESPN. Alright Yosef (Tiger Bait), start formulating the post-game excuses! And remember this; "If you want to play lumberjack, you had better learn how to handle your end of the log"!

..........another race barrier is broken!

Finally, an African-American candidate for President of the United States! I, along with these fine folks pictured here, never believed the day would occur. Wait; shouldn't that be the first mixed-race or mulatto candidate for President of the United States? So, the guy is dark-skinned, marries a black woman, and his children have dark skin; doesn't this qualify him as African-American? Evidently, it is all about the color of one's skin. What about being the son of a Caucasian woman and a father of African heritage? His father was from Kenya, and his mom is WHITE and from Wichita, Kansas. Why does he only embrace the African heritage? BECAUSE IT MEANS MORE VOTES FROM SOME REALLY STUPID AMERICANS!!!!! Caution, Beware of the Elephant in Tall Grass has just played the Race Card.

..........the next Batman movie; starring Dubya and the Joker!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Recently, I went into the school conference room to sign forms that indicate the modifications I am to provide for students with a 504 Plan. If you're not familiar with the "504", it's a way to take ADD kids and allow them to learn the advantage of taking advantage of the learning system. You see, if you are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), you don't really have to do the same work as everyone else. Instead of reading the test yourself, you can have someone read it for you. Instead of taking a timed test, you can have as long as you wish to finish. Instead of knowing your behavioral boundaries, you can site your 504 and receive a whole different set of standards. Instead of being responsible for your actions, you can get away with nothing short of murder because of your 504. Instead of learning how life in the real world really is, you can continue to milk the system until death do you part from this earth. They didn't have 504 Plans at North Elkin School in 1970. Instead, they had Larry Wagoner. Mr. Wagoner had polio when he was a child; and as a result of the disease, his right hand and arm were not able to function. He always carried his arm high on his body, as if it were in a sling. One thing I remember about him was his ability to hit a softball with only his left arm. Mr. Wagoner was a great guy until you crossed his path with bad behavior. He was the guy who "issued" all the corporal punishment (beatings) with things went bad. He did this for all the teachers there; and, in fact, I can even remember the principal, Mr. Edwards, calling Mr. Wagoner to be his physical enforcer on occasion. If I ever had ADD, and if any of my friends ever had ADD, we didn't know it. Guys like Larry Wagoner made sure we kept it under control. Larry Wagoner was a good friend of my dad as well. This was during a golden era where a call from the teacher to your dad could ruin an entire day. My dad also did a great job of controlling any outbreak of ADD in me. I admire guys like Larry Wagoner. He worked through a real disability, and never seemed to want anything he didn't work for. He worked the summer months at Wagoner Men's Store in downtown Elkin. I wonder if guys like him ever know what an impact he made on others? Larry Wagoner was a teacher and a therapist, all at the same time. At any rate, we now let documentation and special plans rule the day. I think I need a 504 Plan!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

..........this represents how things are coming together in my marching band class this year.
Do you see the guy with the plans in the middle? That's me!

..........this represents the Freshman musicians that have been delivered to me at the high school this year.

..........Presidential FAIL, as the the Russian Bear looks on. I get closer to the end of my career,

I get less and less caring about many situations. I guess it is a form of giving-up; which, as many of you know, is not a part of my character at all. I hate the foul breath of defeat more than you can possibly imagine; but, I am realizing that there are many things in this life and my career that I can't do anything about. One of those things is student dependability. In working with an activity like marching band, there will always be after school rehearsals and performances. We really are only as strong as the weakest link in this performance medium - the kid who doesn't show up! Let me give you an example from our last Monday night drum practice. I had a bass drummer who didn't show up for the rehearsal. She left class early on the same day to go on a scheduled field trip. Our rehearsal is 6:00 - 8:00 PM every Monday night. For this rehearsal, I hire a percussion specialist to come in at work at a cost of $50/rehearsal (grad student from ASU). So, this kid doesn't show for rehearsal. I ask all the other kids in the drumline if they know where she is. They all respond that she had told them that she wouldn't be there for the rehearsal. Everyone knew but me - red flag! She didn't want me to know. She cam in this morning with a long story about what went wrong. Her story involved a propane explosion up on Pond Mountain, and their wasn't cell phone service up there. How did all the other kids know about her absence before she left school? Was the propane explosion an act of terrorism against the good mountain folk of Ashe County? In the end, I listened to her story, gave her the blank "I could care less" stare; and allowed her to slink away in the shame of her lie. I can't do anything about this scenario. It's taken me 27 years to realize it; but, now I know. She is one of many, who will continue to lie to me during the course of the season, and I have decided not to give them the satisfaction of understanding (it would be false, even if I did act like I cared). Sadly, I'm a results man, and the end result will be the judge of me and my work in the community. I'm not that caring teacher you see on Boston Public, or see in the "touchy-feely" segment of the evening news. I want results, I work for results, and damn the obstacles to success! I will not spend my whole life worrying about all my students and their problems. I'm not even going to worry so much about the outcome of it all anymore. I'm just here to present the material, define it, and push on with the performances my public demands. If the performances are good, they we'll all revel in the accomplishment. If we perform poorly, then I'll just be glad the paycheck comes in on time for the work given.

Monday, August 25, 2008

..........this is truly symbolic!
The dog represents me and my mission with the marching band. The lady above, represents the weight of time that is my constant enemy. The chair could collapse at any moment, rendering me beaten and lifeless. Failure is not an option, and will be avoided at all costs. Meanwhile, the slow ticking of time passes and the chair becomes weaker by day, by day, by day, by day, by day, by day............................

..........enough, already!

Is it not enough that we've been overdosed on the presidential election for a solid year now, that we have to endure both of the conventions? I quote Moses on this one; "Let my people go!" Let's make like Florida and just have the election now - hanging chads and all! Does anyone seriously not know which guy they're going to vote for? Are there really that many idiot Americans out there that haven't made up their mind yet? Anyone that's on the fence right now doesn't deserve to vote. I'm so sick of it all. Let me vote and get it over with. I'll even vote for my guy blindly, and without seeing the running mate - it'll make absolutely no difference at all in my decision. The real fact in all of this is a little depressing. Who, of you out there, is actually voting against someone rather than for? I'm definitely voting against. I vow to watch no news, and certainly no Glenn Beck until all of this convention crap is over. Thank goodness the Olympics is over prior to all of this! I couldn't have taken much more of that either. Sports accomplishments really don't impress me that much; and as for the grand ceremonial displays in China - "better dead than red!" Go chew on that, my little yellow comrades! Obviously, this was a post of great frustration and not intended to make a lot of sense! Mission Accomplished!

Friday, August 22, 2008's a picture of the hallway to the band room. Well, sometimes it looks this way to me. I wonder what's at the end of the dark corridor?

.........."So, Cindy, are you going to tell him
you bought another condo?"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 this is the guy I want to see in the Oval Office!
I know what you're thinking; "has he fired six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, I've forgotten in all this excitement. But you've gotta ask yourself; "do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya' punk?
Being the mayor of Carmel, California ought to be enough experience to get the job done. And look at all the tight spots that Diry Harry has been it through the years. It's certainly more impressive as the records the real candidates are exhibiting.

..........and this is the answer to our problems?
Obama gives us a sneak peak at his chosen running mate. This is actually Joe Biden after he ducks into a phone booth. Are there even phone booths out there anymore?

.........."openin' up a can-o-worms."
I'm sure glad that the Bush mis-Administration has made fiscal responsibility a business as usual item for America. A firm belief in smaller government has really made the difference in this administration. The federal budget deficit soared in July, pushed higher by economic stimulus payments (not to be confused with any socialist way of doing things that the liberals would attempt) and $15 billion in outlays to protect depositors at failed banks. The Treasury Department reported that the deficit for July totaled $102.8 billion, nearly triple the $36.4 billion deficit recorded in July 2007. The deficit outstripped the $97 billion gap that Wall Street economists had been expecting for July. So far this year, the budget deficit totals $371.4 billion, more than double last year's deficit through the same time period of $157.4 billion. Who was the last president to balance the budget? Oh yes, that was Bill Clinton - damn liberal!

Monday, August 18, 2008

..........being a parent is "hard werk".

Being a good, responsible parent is difficult business at best. You're always getting into life-changing situations, and there's no way to put things on hold. We took our oldest daughter to college over the weekend. She's only 90 minutes away, and we can communicate with her most anytime that we want; but, it's still the issue of her being somewhere else, and not in the room upstairs. Needless to say, her mother and I have grieved over her not being here with us; but at the same time, we are both so very excited for her. She is going out on her own. She has the opportunity to make decisions based on her personal values, and has the opportunity to think on a much higher level than ever before. I did shed tears when we parted yesterday. They were tears of sorrow, happiness, and great pride. I know that our relationship with her will change. That doesn't mean change for the worse. I anticipate an ever growing maturation of our relationship, and I'm excited about that. Her mother and I won't be in such a supervisory role any longer. We will always be parents; but, she is in charge of her destiny. We've done everything in our power to exhibit good values and to train our children in Christian values. I feel good about the fact that she is going to a faith-based school (Lenoir-Rhyne University). I enjoyed the Lutheran doctrines when I was there, and she has already expressed to me that she was doing the same. I was glad to hear that she made friends with a fellow United Methodist on her hall on the first day. They plan to spend some of their time together. It was so very refreshing to go to the opening welcome session of the Prologue Weekend (where parents and incoming Freshmen gathered in the auditorium); and the President of the University opened with a prayer. He didn't have to worry about offending anyone with religion! That night, the campus pastor had an outdoor, evening Vespers for the students. Our daughter said the service was great. I'm excited about her opportunities and her future; but, I'm going to miss my little girl.

..........a controversial conversation.

There is a student in one of my online classes here at school that is considered pretty intelligent by most standards (well, that's what everyone has told him anyway). I like the Forrest Gump explanation of stupid; "stupid is as stupid does." I think that just about sums it up on the intelligence issue. Anyway, the students and I were sitting around a table talking this morning and this "intelligent" student looked at another student and said; "retard!" I immediately questioned him on his choice of words and what he actually meant to imply. Before the conversation could go much further, the other kids starting telling "Helen Keller jokes"! What kind of a society accepts such disrespect implied to those that can't fight for themselves? I started a discussion with all the kids around the table. There has been a recent fury of protest centered around the use of "retard" in the new Ben Stiller movie, Tropic Thunder. Some groups have formally protested the movie and have encouraged people not to see the film as such. I don't know why or how our society could accept degrading people just because of physical or mental defects. Anyone who chooses to poke fun at someone based on an obvious defect is lower than whale dung! Where are the standards of a person who would choose to degrade another person by comparing them to someone with a handicap. The kid in my class expressed that it would be okay to call someone a "retard" if; indeed, the handicapped person did not take offense to it. What? How could a mentally handicapped person make that decision? I told him that it was wrong to make humor at the expense of anyone who could not help their situation - end of story! He took great offense at me expressing that he was wrong. I'm still in a state of disbelief that there was even a debate on this subject. I certainly do make satire of others on this blog (mainly politicians and coaches); but, never would I consider making fun of someone with a handicap. I guess the situation is more personal with me. My wife's older sister is mentally handicapped and has lived in a controlled setting for the mentally handicapped for most of her life; in fact, she will stay there for the rest of her life. I couldn't imagine making fun of her; but, that's exactly what happens every time that a "normal" person calls someone a "retard". It's easy to pick on those who don't have the capacity to defend themselves. Only a coward with the lowest form of character would do something like that. Oh, and I do urge you all to boycott Tropic Thunder for that exact reason! And for that student and his opinion - he was wrong, he was told that he was wrong, and was also told that we had reached the end of the discussion on that matter! Sometimes those in charge have to make decisions for those who are just too ignorant to make the call on their own!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

..........Finally, here it is!

The much awaited copy of Obama's offical birth certificate.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

.........."Good thing Condi's from the South.

We need an expert on Georgia right now." I'm thinking that Condi "I'm a Soviet Expert" Rice's latest turn at bat is gonna be another strikeout.
In true liberal fashion, I'll offer this statement by President Bush concerning the Russian invasion into Georgia: "Russia has invaded a sovereign neighbouring state.... Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century.... We have no doubts about it. This is a deliberate attempt to destroy an entire country and change the regime." I'm sure glad we wouldn't contemplate doing anything like that to another nation!

.........."I can't seem to shake this guy.

He thinks he's gonna be vice-president."

Monday, August 11, 2008

..........I thought this was funny!
I don't think a candidate or serving member of national government can ever be "right" in the public eye. The picture being painted of Obama is that of an elitist. His case got worse after vacationing in Hawaii recently. Me, I don't really care! They all have more money than I do for vacationing. If I could go to Hawaii or Maine, I would jump on the next flight. No, I'll just remain here in my "super less than important" teaching job and save for the next trip to Disney World. Obama can think elitist all he cares to do so. At the end of the day, he'll still have to stand on his mother's shoulders to kiss my big fat rear end!

..........Dignity demands that someone keep this guy away from the cameras!

..........I'm really at a loss for the caption here.

How about some reader help on this one.

..........sooooooo, how did Not Jenna win her Bronze Medal?

.......... "Wavin' an' walkin's hard werk."

Friday, August 08, 2008

..........I'm getting more uneasy with this guy.
As we get closer to the election, Obama continues to push me further away with his ever changing positions on issues. The guy is running a political platform that is way too ultra-liberal and"win at all costs." His campaign resembles that of a high school kid running for student body president. It's not about the issues at hand and what he can do for the people as it is just winning by popularity. Is he a rock star or is he a leader? He changes his standards to "compromise" way to often to comfort me. For instance, the offshore drilling issue. He recently said he would endorse limited offshore drilling. He didn't accept some offshore drilling at all in the beginning. It was only after so many Americans said they would support it. I'm all for compromise to get something done rather than nothing done - don't get me wrong on that. The issue I have here is that offshore drilling was complete taboo for Obama when it was first mentioned. After you establish your standard, compromise has to be accompanied with an; "I was wrong about this before". And since when have we heard a politician admit wrong? Flip-flop doesn't even touch the tip of the iceberg with this "cat". He also runs on the platform of being the "first African-American President." He looks black; but, in truth, isn't he mixed race? Is not one parent Caucasian? I'm no full-blown Republican or Democrat. The truth is, I feel a little uncomfortable with both of these candidates; but, if we were to vote today, I would feel a great deal more secure in my decision to vote for John McCain. Change We Can Believe In? I'm not so sure about that. I really don't know what all that "change" is about right now. I'll have to admit that I was lured into his web of deceit in the beginning. I've posted several times about Obama and his personality and appeal to the people; but, when all is said and done, I'm sure glad my ability to reason took the front. I still get tired of hearing all the Republican smear and the use of "liberal this" and "liberal that" to make a stand. I sure hope that reason among the American people will take over and all this popularity with meet with its eventual fate of loss in the election.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

..........meanwhile, back at the Libertarian rally.
And now it's back to our 10' x 12' cabin in Montana where there's packages to be mailed before the militia meeting tonight!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

.........the first day of school.

Well, it's over - summer break, that is. Today was the first day of classes. All went well this morning. Band camp got me into the mode of getting up early and going into school. My youngest daughter drove herself to school today for the first time. In fact, this was the first day in about eight years that I haven't had one of the girls sitting beside me on the way to school. I got to school at 7:20 and went through my usual routine of turning on the lights and unlocking all the storage room and office doors (the chairs were already straightened from the previous day - some of you know what I'm talking about). We had our Homeroom class come in at 8:00 where we handed out all the forms to fill-out, along with schedules, transcripts, and student handbooks. We went through all the things we were to "strictly enforce" this year - ba, ha, ha! For the first time in years, all my Homeroom kids were present. After Homeroom, we went into the regular class schedule. All was well until I tried to log onto my school computer. The computer had decided to lock me out of the system for some reason. And, "yes", it was the computer's decision to do that to me. I called the tech guy and told him my problem. He couldn't believe what I was saying; so, he came to my office to see for himself. After that SNAFU was fixed, it seemed like all was well. I had marching band and that went well. We played our music in the room and went to the field to rehearse marching - no problem. Even the FNG's did a good job on day one! Just as I returned to my office, the phone rang - no unusual thing. It was Lisa - uh, oh! A call from my wife in the middle of the school day is usually not a good thing. She reported to me that our water pump at home had kicked-off the breaker. I called home and talked our oldest daughter through resetting the breaker - NO GO. It immediately kicked-off again. The only thing to do - go home and check it out. After getting there and confirming the bad news, I attempted to get a plumber. Getting a plumber at any time of the day is difficult; but, try to get one to your house after 2:00 PM. I finally got one to agree to take the job. He said that the truck was presently at another job and they would be over after that. Do you think I believed a word of that? The plumber called about 45 minutes ago to confirm my thoughts; "we're pretty covered-up with this other job. It'll be tomorrow morning before we're able to be there." Now I'm going to the school to get my four, 5-gallon water cans filled for showers, the toilets, and whatever else. I've sent the girls to their friends houses for the night. What fun getting ready tomorrow morning will be for Lisa and myself. I'm sure that cold water will wake me up in the morning! Hopefully the problem will be a short in the line out at the pump. I have no idea how deep the well actually is. Sometimes this problem results in the plumber having to pull the entire pump up, out of the ground. Water and power are the two things we are really not prepared to suddenly give-up. All I can say is; "FUBAR, just FUBAR." Well, tomorrow is another day.

..........just when you think you've seen it all.

Last week was my oldest daughter's birthday. It being her special day, she got to pick where we would eat dinner that night. She decided that we would go to The Olive Garden in Winston-Salem. I had band camp all week; so, we had to go rather late in the day. Band camp ended promptly at 4:00 PM, and I rushed home to take a shower and change clothes. In all the rush, I forgot to get a snack. I asked Lisa to stop along the way for a convenience store snack and drink. We pulled off of Hwy 421 just outside of Yadkinville at a fairly nice store. We wheeled to the front of the store when something rather peculiar caught our eye. There was a woman vomiting in the trash can right in front of the door. Her male friend was rubbing her back and consoling her as she did her thing. We stayed in the car until this was over, as it would have seemed to us rude to walk past her as this was going on. When she was finished, she spun around to reveal that she was very, very pregnant. In fact, I would estimate that delivery may be any minute. Anyway, she wiped her mouth with her forearm and immediately lit-up a Winston! What? Smoking while pregnant? There were several others standing around her during the "incident". One appeared to be her mother. After wiping her mouth and lighting her cigarette, she turns to the mother and kisses her on the mouth! Now I'm really not getting out of the car! We let the crowd clear before going into the store. With any luck, they all made it back to the trailer safely!