Tuesday, October 31, 2006

..........shame on you, Mr. Kerry!!!

Shame on you for your insult to our brave American Armed Forces! No matter if it was a joke gone wrong or not, you should have thought through that one. Your statements make small of the heroic attitude of all our troops. You dishonor them with your poor choice of words. Be a man and apologize - don't even begin to defend your actions; and don't blame others for taking your comments out of context. You said it. You were wrong. Take responsibility for your actions.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

..........just about enough!!!

I've had just about enough of "people" like Rush Limbaugh! Everyone who watches/listens to any type of news (be it liberal media or "conservative"), has probably heard of the reaction of Rush Limbaugh to the recent political ad by Michael J. Fox. Limbaugh accused Fox of excessive thrashing around and amplifying the symptoms of his disease. I say "shame" on you to Limbaugh and to anyone who supports that self-righteous pig! Limbaugh is one of the many reasons that Republicans are expected to lose seats in the upcoming election. Limbaugh stands for Republicans and their ideals, and Republicans are not decent enough to denounce his rantings if they are not with him. Limbaugh preaches a message of hate, but does nothing to back up his message but talk. That seems to be the MO of many Republicans who support the war in Iraq. If you truly belive in the mission, drop what you are doing, join the American Armed Forces, and take arms aganist the enemy! Most Republican believers in the war and the ideals of Rush Limbaugh will not do that because it is not in their best personal interest. Don't worry Republicans, there will always be some poor kid who will do your fighting for you. If you believe in what Limbaugh says, you are on the far right wing. If you believe in half of what he says, you are on the far right wing. If you believe in anything he says, you are on the far right wing. If Republicans are decent people, they will not support Rush Limbaugh in any way, shape, or form! Repulicans are supposed to stand for decent ideals. To have a spokesperson for your cause like Rush Limbaugh is to lose complete sight of the Conservative idea. Michael J. Fox chose to be the better person by not blasting Limbaugh. Limbaugh apologized for his remarks, and I don't believe one bit of sincerity was attached to it! Rush Limbaugh is taking advantage of the 1st Ammendment with his every spoken and written word. The freedom of speech is a responsibility that he, Limbaugh, has completely misused to further himself. Republicans know that he speaks to a bunch of "nut jobs" that will bring them votes; so, we'll tolerate him. If Republicans tolerate Rush Limbaugh, they are going aganist Conservative ideals. Rush Limbaugh is a dangerous individual. He speaks a language of hate and intollerance. Who is Rush Limbaugh to criticize anyone? Look at his recent track record. That alone should have taken him off the air. And people criticize Bill Clinton??? I think there is a double standard going on here. As a Democrat, I'm glad "people" like Rush Limbaugh are out there speaking for and supporting the Republican party. Limbaugh is the best campaign tool the Democrats and Independants will have duing the mid-term elections this year. Thanks, Rush!!! Oh, by the way, the oil companies aren't helping any more either - gas went up seven cents per gallon on Friday!!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

..........eleven days until the election!!!

Alright, so the mid-term elections will be held in eleven days. I always dread elections. There are the phases of the election process that are such a PITA. Phase I are the ads that tell us what the candidates themselves hope to accomplish if we offer them our vote. Ironically, this seems to be the shortest of the election phases. With most election speeches and ads, many of these goals cannot be accomplished by the person I am voting for because the objective is way too broad. I'm sure that is the plan. After the election the candidate can say, "yes, I've been working toward that." Phase II (we are in this phase now) is the "mudslinging" phase. This is the part that I don't listen to at all. I would rather see an "E True Hollywood Story" based on the life and times of Lorne Greene than to watch these ads. Only the really, really, stupid people in our society listen to these ads - no matter which side of the isle you are on! If you are an informed and responsible voter, you should be able to research and know your candidates well enough to offer your support. During Phase II, you also see constant predictions by the news folks about what it will mean to America if this person wins over this person - again, spare me. Phase III is the election aftermath. This is where all the candidates who lost are interviewed and asked, "what went wrong?" I could care less about the reasons "why". After the elections take place, I am ready to have the newly elected take the ball and run! At this point, I'm after results from my vote! Well, I'll probably get dissapointed. This is the point where the newly elected will submit to their respective party and vote along those lines. Yada, yada, yada......

Everyone (media, etc.) is either expecting or trying to oust the Republicans. The idea of "conservative" has been compromised by the current Republican administration. I heard a report just yesterday (from a Conservative) stating how the conservative ideals have been everything but that with this administration. Conservatives like small government - the government has grown by 33% during this administration, and that's not all due to 9/11 and the War on Terriorism/Iraqi Freedom. This administration is not "taking care of business" for all Americans - it has sold it's soul to the Fundamentalist Movement and big business. "Pork barrel" projects are at an all time high. The deficit is going out of control. The Republicans may not be able to win elections with their stance on abortion, gays, and favoritism to big business much longer - America is tired of the double standards - America is ready for some commitment to the middle class. One tax cut - that's all I got as a member of the middle class. That tax cut was quickly wiped out by the price of gas/fuel and everything that those prices effect. The war? I don't know if I even want to mention that. What a blunder!!! Poor, poor, intelligence at best has killed too many Americans and ruined too many American families. Who do I blame the most? Well, not the President - I don't think he is capable of the thought necessary for a war - Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney should answer for these mistakes. I can't believe that anyone could support these fossils!!! "Stay the Course"!!! - no longer a popular phrase for re-election purposes; because, there is no course - there is only reaction to the daily disasters of poor policy and planning. Liberal media, liberal media, liberal media - that can be shouted from the highest mountain; but, the end result is poor strategy, poorly trained Iraqis who can't protect their own country, and dead Americans! I'm ranting - sorry about that. Anyway, the elections are only eleven days away - vote, vote, vote!!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

..........a sign of the times.

Lisa sent me this the other day. I thought it was quite appropriate for many of us.

Living in 2006

You know you are living in 2006 when......

1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.

2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.

4. You email the person who works at the desk next to you.

5. Your reason for not staying in touch with family/friends is that they don't have email addresses.

6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help carry in the groceries.

7. Every commercial on TV has a website at the bottom of the screen.

8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or so years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you return to get it.

10 You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.

11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile : ) (I know a local who has done that for years!!!)

12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.

13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.

14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on the list.

15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there was no #9 on the list.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

..........who's on First?

Once upon a time in The Oval Office...............

President Bush (George): "Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?"

Condi: "Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China."

George: "Great. Lay it on me."

Condi: "Hu is the new leader of China."

George: "That's what I want to know."

Condi: "That's what I'm telling you."

George: "That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?"

Condi: "Yes."

George: "Who is the leader of China?"

Condi: "Hu."

George: "The guy in China."

Condi: "Hu."

George: "The new leader of China."

Condi: "Hu."

George: "The Chinaman!"

Condi: "Hu is leading China."

George: "Now whaddya' asking me for?"

Condi: "I'm telling you Hu is leading China."

George: "Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?"

Condi: "That's the man's name."

George: "That's who's name?"

Condi: "Yes."

George: "Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China?"

Condi: "Yes, sir."

George: "Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East."

Condi: "That's correct."

George: "Then who is in China?"

Condi: "Yes, sir."

George: "Yassir is in China?"

Condi: "No, sir."

George: "Then who is?"

Condi: "Yes, sir."

George: "Yassir?"

Condi: "No, sir."

George: "Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get me the
Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone."

Condi: "Kofi?"

George: "No."

Condi: "You don't want Kofi?"

George: "No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk; and then get me the U.N."

Condi: "Yes, sir."

George: "Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N."

Condi: "Kofi?"

George: "Milk! Will you please make the call?"

Condi: "And call who?"

George: "Who is the guy at the U.N.?"

Condi: "Hu is the guy in China."

George: "Will you stay out of China?!"

Condi: "Yes, sir."

George: "And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N."

Condi: "Kofi?"

George: "All right! I'll take that with cream and two sugars. Now, get on the phone!"

Friday, October 20, 2006

.........."random thoughts Friday".

Well, it's Friday; and that means, "yes", another home football game! I would rather be stabbed in the eye with a bulldozer! A Friday night football game is usually not that bad; but, we live in western North Carolina - that means rain and wind, with gusts up to 45 mph predicted for today. Oh, things get better tonight - wind gusts of only 25 mph. We also have two marching band contests tomorrow. We will meet at 7:30 AM and return about 1:00 AM. The "two-a-day" band contest Saturday is usually fun. Things were looking pretty good in our class until yesterday when I learned that one of our past rivals (EB) entered our class - they have 177 members with an estimated 120+ in the horn line! This should be fun! Our kids have done an outstanding job learning the field show, and it's a real crowd pleaser. Maybe we can be the "come from behind kids" again this year. I'll let you know how it goes. Another one of our rivals (L), is doing a Van Helsing (sp?) show. Was there some field show worthy music from that movie? Anyway, we can expect lots of props and stages from them. I get too serious about competition with the band - I realize that, and I need therapy. I am too competitive with most everything. How did I get that way? I don't know. I guess with the band stuff I take it too personally - I work on this 10 minute field show from May until October. The show represents my best work (be it as it may) for all this time, and I want it to be a great production. I've got to learn to relax with the whole competition thing - I mean, it's not like it's a sport or anything - you would think that I was trying to equate my work with that of a football coach or something! I need to "get real"!

We got a Lowe's hardware store! We have a great view of it from the school - thank goodness none of the land around the school is zoned! A Lowe's hardware store should be handy - our store is slightly larger than the Boone store and slightly smaller than the Wilkesboro store. I try to have a good attitude about things like this in our community; but, I have to remind you that I have lived and worked here for over 20 years, and I feel like I know our community. Here's my take on the new Lowe's - before Lowe's arrived, we had several small hardware/home stores with slow and poor service. This new Lowe's store will be stocked with workers from our community (great for people looking for jobs), which means that we can now have our slow and poor hardware store service centrally located. No longer will I have to travel all over town to be frustrated - I can now do it at one store!

I working on my road rage. You've got to belive me; I'm really trying! I'm trying to overlook other people driving on my side of the road (especially in curves), constantly burning their headlights on high beam, never going more than 15 mph below the posted speed limit, never making a right turn, never giving a signal, waiting at a light long enough for only 2 cars at a time to make it through, breaking into the drive-through lines at McDonald's/Hardees, never parking in a space, always talking on a mobile phone/smoking/looking at maps, and waving at me. I'm so sick of people waving at me when I don't know them!!! Stop it!!! I think I'm making some progress on my road rage, because these are the only things that seem to bother me on the road anymore.

No matter how you slice it, Friday's are great! I live for the weekends. I'm looking forward to the Saturday band contests; but, Sunday will be a fantastic day of nothing to do (after church services). Maybe I'll watch a good WWII movie or some documentaries? I may even make a beer can chicken. I'll leave my options open. I think it (what exactly is "it" when you're talking about the weather???) is supposed to rain again.

The Mark Foley thing is still unwinding. Now the news people (I use the word "people" very loose here) are playing an "over the phone" interview from an elderly former Priest of Foley's. he said they used to go skinny dipping and take steam baths together. What is wrong with that? Doesn't everyone swim nude with their Priest? Foley is a twisted man, and he will never make me belive his circumstances made him go after these boys - he's a freaking twisted queer!!!

Now, for the Iraqi situation - the war is not going well - everyone knows that. The reason - it has got to be so complex, and I don't think anyone can give the right answer. When the Commandant of the Marine Corps states that things are not going well - we do have a problem. I will never believe that the Iraqi people will be capable of running their own affairs. There are too many rival religious groups that will keep that place screwed-up for any kind of democratic rule. Donald Rumsfeld reminds me to be patient. That's OK, but we're loosing Americans at the average rate of 4/day. many of the combat National Guard and Army Reserve units are going back for their second tours of duty and the military is being taxed too close to their limits. The active combat units are in-country for 7 months and back in the US for 7 months. The NG and AR units are in-country for 14 months and home for 14 monts. We overestimated our rate and capability of success; while at the same time, underestimated the oposition. The Iraqis are incompetent at the very best. I'm not sure that the war has weakened the terrorists either. Think about it, this must be a great training ground for the extremists. We kill a lot of them, but our killing also breeds many more, and with a reason to fight! No, I really don't have an answer. I do want our soldiers to stop dying - it's getting out of hand.

Well, those are more thoughts that I realized I had. I'm sure the course of the day will give me more. I'm looking for a great day - it's Friday!!! Heck yeah!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

..........more photos.

Here are some more pictures from our outing on the Blue Ridge Parkway last Sunday - enjoy. If you know these locations, let me know.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

..........one small step for average computer users, one giant leap the the elephant in tall grass!!!!

As promised - pictures!!! After a long Saturday at the George Wythe HS band contest (we - the band - got killed), we (the family) decided to go on a much needed pleasure drive on Sunday. We, along with all residents of the state of Florida, chose the Blue Ridge Parkway (sometimes referred to as "The Blue Hair Parkway"). It was a great trip - we had so much fun!!! The weather was perfect. Lisa drove. We had only one SNAFU during the trip. Coming just north of the Linn Cove Viaduct, came an RV (state of origin unknown, but assumed) driven by an older adult who was attempting to drive and take a picture at the same time. He ran off the road, pulled it back on too quick, and came across the center line toward us. Lisa said, #@*$!!! The kids were listening to Ipod. Lisa is a great defensive driver. He got his M1 tank back into his lane and headed for his next victim. I think I saw a banner on the side that said "Utah or Bust"! We had a great time.Oh, and I captured a taste of local North Carolina election advertisements for you as well.

Friday, October 13, 2006

..........what's the deal with driving?

Sometimes it's those little things that happen to a person who is just going about their own business that gets me going! Western North Carolina is beautiful right now - the leaves turning brilliant colors, the sky is clear (about once every 30-45 days), and the air is crisp. This brings in the Floridiots. These people love the Fall colors and the whole "change of seasons" atmosphere. There are only about three people in Florida who should have a drivers liscense, and they are still in Florida! People from Florida can't drive on mountain roads. What is even more scary - most of them are over the age of 116! Don't get me wrong, I love the elderly; but, I would rather take them places than to dodge them on the road! I know about how long it takes me to get from my house to most places I frequent in our area. During the months of October-November, I tack at least ten extra minutes onto each trip to weave through the Floridians. By the way, the Blue Ridge Parkway is being renamed - it is now the Blue Hair Parkway.

Now, let's talk local folks. If you are looking to purchase a used vehicle with excellent turn signals and headlights, come to Western NC. These people don't use either. I guess I am supposed to know exactly where each person in front of me is going, adjust my speed, and go on - no need to signal another motorist. They don't like to use headlights either. Who is the redneck that put out the information stating that you should only use the parking lights when driving in heavy fog, snow, or rain? I guess headlights are all about wheather or not the driver can see the road. The heck with me being able to see them in front of me or coming at me.

What about the rednecks, one in each lane, talking to each other at a dead stop in the middle of the road? Do you blow the horn and risk the outcome? Or, do you wait until they are done with their stupid conversation which consists of, "What are you doing?" , "Not much, what about you?", "Not much". "Well, don't do anything I wouldn't do.", "Yeah, keep 'er between the ditches."??? These two guys can stretch this conversation into 5-10 minutes - no problem! No consideration about the people behind them at all.

I live in a resort-type area. Most of the factories are closing, and the main source of income around here is real estate, art galleries, and Christmas tree farms. I should expect to endure alot of retired people and rednecks. The retired people have no schedule to keep. The rednecks rebel aganist all rules and regulations. So, what about me? Where do types like me fit in around here? I go out of my way to be courteous (most of the time), only to deal with these other idiots. I guess I fall into the category of "SOL"!!!

I vow to all of you now. When I retire (hopefully in four more years); I will never drive over 42 miles/hour and I will drive only when people are going to and coming from work. I will obtain the largest vehicle on the market, drive in the middle of the road, and never use a turn signal. Beware of the elephant in tall grass when he retires - he will seek revenge!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

..........I really feel fortunate.

I pride myself on being observant of my surroundings. My constant phrase in teaching my students is, "pay attention to detail". That came straight from my Army experience; but, it's good training for teenagers. So much of my work is finding the problems with things and trying to fix them, that I often lose sight of what is great in my life. I am very fortunate, and I've had a fortunate life.

I'll start with my parents. These two people brought me into the world, cared for me, always made me feel wanted, helped me when I was down, and celebrated with me when things went well. I will never forget the many things they gave to me. As a tribute to my parents, I will try to do the same for my children. My parents never asked for anything in return. I can only hope that I can show my appreciation and respect for all they have done for me and my family.

Next, is my education. I went all the way through the public education system, and continued into college where I recieved my undergraduate degree. I have used my acquired skills to obtain a great job as a high school teacher. I am fortunate to have a job, and I give thanks. My wife and I are able to support our family without any outside help at all. It's easy to concentrate on the bad and irratating stuff that happens on the job, and even easier to lose track of what is going well. At the risk of sounding too "perky", my job is going great. I can easily control how well it will go with my own attitude.

I have a great relationship with God. How many people can say that? I am able to talk to God whenever I want - to give thanks - to ask for help and guidance - to ask Him to help someone else. I feel so very fortunate that my family and friends led me to God. I am able to direct our church choir. These are truly wonderful people who always let me know how much they care about me and my family. I also have a great realationship with a very good musician and friend, Michael. He plays piano and organ at the church, and always helps me with the choir.

I live in a beautiful community. The Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina is a place that is beyond beauty throughout the year. I never miss the opportunity to just look and enjoy. We live on the New River, which is always a beautiful site. I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by such beauty.

I save one of the most cherished parts of my fortunate life for last, my wife Lisa. She is the strength in our family. She is certainly the most mature member of the family. Lisa is the true love, and soul mate of my life. I know that many people can't say that about their spouse. She is everything that I could ever desire in a woman. I love her dearly, and I feel so fortunate to share my life with her.

My life is great! If I hit any snags along the way, I can surely move over them. I have so many things to be thankful for in this life, and I am fortunate. Praise God for all He has given to me!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

..........everyone has to be special.

Everyone has to be special these days. I have always taken pride in the fact that I'm a garden variety, common guy. I take responsibility seriously. I served my country in the military. I go to work each day, and I take great pride in my work. I pay my bills, my taxes, and contribute to worthy causes to help others. I go to church on a regular basis, and I understand the commitment of being a Christian. I attempt to treat others as I would want to be treated, and I enjoy helping others who are less fortunate than myself. I've been married to the same wonderful woman for 23 years (as of this December). I have two children who I love dearly, interact with on a regular basis, and take care of. I just don't stand-out in the crowd as anything special - and I love it!!! I also think that I am becoming a minority.

It starts early. Kids are grouped and/or identified by ability levels, special skills, special handicaps, race, religion, and socio-economic standards, etc., etc. etc. - if not officially - in our minds. We assign all kinds of things to kids to "level the playing field". Now, I know I'm on shaky ground with my defense of the public education system. I feel the public education system for our kids is the one thing that is there to help level that playing field for all citizens. Anyway, back to the point - what about all those special classifications we give to our kids and, are we helping our society by taking away being average? If we don't like how someone is perfoming in school, on the job, in the Congress, or in society; we give them a disorder to help them out. Now, this disorder crap is a pain in the ass for someone - me, the average guy!!! I don't have a disorder (although, my wife contends I have AADD), that prevents me from functioning. I just know what my responsibilities are, and I get the job done. That job may be a work, in society, or right in my own family. I'm fed-up with the whole "being special" thing! Maybe we need to get rid of some labels and get back to responsiblity, respect, and hard work. Am I Republican? That really sounds conservative. Maybe I can have a disorder named after me for being so average that I can't achieve like everyone else. With the numbers of average people dropping like flies, I'm sure we can come-up with something. I know, I need a 504 Plan that will allow me to miss all of the work I choose (without losing any financial benefits of work). My "504" could also give me all the time I want to complete even the smallest tasks. I could even get away with not doing anything on a schedule. I could just rely on my "disorder" to shape my whole world. Everyone could consider this disorder to the extent that I'm suddenly not responsible for anything at all! Maybe I could even get some free stuff from the government. In fact, maybe the government could hire a special person to counsel me whenever I am asked to take care of any responsibility. When I hit a snag on something, I could just stop what I'm doing and go to this person who could assure me that it is not my fault, it's the disorder - the heck with being challenged to complete anything.

I'm the common guy who takes-up the slack for all these people who choose not to perform. Yes, I know there are some people with real problems and they can't function. To them, I say, "let me help you". I will do it without hesitation. For the rest of this lazy population - screw you! Get of your butts, do your school work, play an active part in society, join a Christian Church, get a job, and pay your taxes so I can retire in four more years! The buck stops here! I stand alone - the common American!

Monday, October 09, 2006

..........more band humor.

So much political stuff out there - so much backstabbing. I thought I would take a little break from the political scene and share some band humor. I got these via email from an ex-Congressional Page who is trying putting his life back together in therapy. Yes....cheap stab! Anyway, enjoy some band humor.....You know you're part of the marching band when.......

1. You hear music and you start marking time.
2. You walk behind someone and you're in step.
3. You point out key changes and dynamics while listening to the radio.
4. You can't find you way without your drill coordinates.
5. You scold your friends for dating "outside the band".
6. You get hit by a flag and you don't notice.
7. You consider your drill pages a fashion accessory.
8. When people worry if they don't see you with your instrument.
9. You're accompanied by an "armed guard" ( a girl with a flag pole).
10. When Band Camp is fun.
11. You respond to "band geek/nerd/dork".
12. You dress center in the lunch line, and urge others to do the same.
13. You're alone and you suffocate because there's no one there to tell you to breathe.
14. Your instrument has a name.
15. You wear your marching band shoes to school.
16. You see your section more than your family.
17. You have dreams about selling M&M's and Skittles.
18. You accidentally call your band director "Dad".
19. You actually CAN sight-read.
20 When reeds begin to taste good.
21 You consider your plume as a pet.
22. You have a neck strap and a farmer's tan line.
23. You roll-step through the cafeteria so you won't spill your lunch.
24. You hang out in the band room before school, during school, and after school.
25. You think your band director is cool.
26. You can memorize music better than vocabulary words.
27. You car automatically goes to the parking space nearest the band room.
28. You automatically "keep your toes up" even when you're not at practice.
29. You are comfortable sleeping on a bus.
30. You get more than half of the jokes above!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

..........are we that insecure?

Alright, I know I said I would not be back until next week. I had to leave with one more political thought. Why do so many people feel they have to belong to one political party or another? I don't see that either side, the Republicans or the Democrats, have the answers I'm looking for. I think that the strength in America is the ability of the people, throughout our history, to compromise. There is so little compromise right now in politics that it makes me sick! NEITHER SIDE IS TOTALLY CORRECT, IN FACT, NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! I guess I will admit it - I'm a fence sitter to all of you who are diehard one way or another. When I vote on November 7, I will vote for who I feel will do the best job. If I have not heard anything about them, I won't vote for anyone. To vote merely on party lines is stupid at best, and shows little consideration for our communities and country. Don't give me that crap about one party standing for the people and the other one standing for morals. Neither party has very good moral values. Basically, one has spoken out aganist abortion, and one has spoken out that it is a right for a woman to choose. I know, that is making it too simple; but, so many voters rely on that one issue to judge morals. The fact is, we need some of both to balance America. Questions need to be raised. Issues need to be debated. Important issues need two points of view. You then take the needs of the many over the needs of the few, and compromise. It is so very easy for us to think that one line of thinking is the answer - end of story. It's not like that at all. Look at all the back-stabbing politics that we are dealing with right now. Is that the result of good intentions for the American people? Absolutely not! On top of it all, we have the media trying to make a buck! I'm not really convinced that it is the liberal media so much as it is the capitalist media that we lothe. At any rate, it is the freedom of speech and we have to tolerate it and make our own decisions. If you look hard enough, you can find a conflicting view to most stories somewhere. I say this - Beware of the Elephant and the Donkey in Tall Grass - they both have a hidden agenda they wish for you to believe and follow! Luke, Luke, come to the dark side.

..........duck and cover!!!!

Duck and cover there has been a baaaad Congressman, and he is a Republican this time!!! Now, those of you who are Republican sympathizers are probably not wanting to read any further; but, rest assured, I am not going after this latest scandal as you would think. Sure, ex-Congressman Foley has been bad; but, do we need to "beat this 'ole dog to death"? Foley is defending himself, saying, "I have a problem". Yes, ex-Congressman, you really do; and it should be fear of the justice system. The Republicans are doing huge damage control and the Democrats are on the hunt, looking for a kill! Who am I most upset with here? Yes, you guessed it, the Democrats. Is that the answer you expected? I bet not. I am most disturbed that the Democrats are using this to further themselves this close to the elections. That shows a lack of character of the highest magnitude. Do whatever is necessary to get yourself ahead. Not a good plan. This is such a good opportunity for the Democrats to use a little sympathy (for the victims) and show some dignity. I expect none of that from them. The news media and the Democrats alike will bash this until we are sick to death of the whole thing. My suggestion - send the justice system after him. Let them handle it like they would anyone else. The heck with damage control - he was wrong - don't defend him and "his problems"; and don't beat it and beat it for personal and party gain. He is a sick individual who needs to answer to the laws of the land and receive some help with those problems. I would call on both parties to show some dignity. Enough of that!

Wow, gas prices are down ($2.17 in East Jefferson this AM), the DOW is up, and I'm loving it! I never thought the thought of paying $2.17 for a gallon of Raghead-juice (mid-Eastern slander) would be a happy event. At any rate, things seem to be looking up and I don't care who is responsible. I won't even entertain the thought of who takes credit for it. Heck, maybe some of it is my doing. I go to work every day and pay my taxes. Maybe the responsible Euro-American that I am is finally paying off for everyone - maybe there are more out there like me. I'm sure some politicians will come back and tell me it is their plan that made it all possible. Blah, Blah, Blah, on them. You know, America is a prosperous place. We can do most anything we want to with effort. There are plenty of jobs out there - you just have to want to work. Everyone can't hold-out for mangagement. Get off those government plans and work! People will pay you for your efforts. I don't make near the amount of money based on the number of hours and effort that I put into my work; but, I have a job, and I am part of this American prosperity. I don't whine about the hours. I just do what is necessary for success. I'm a salary worker - that means I work until the job gets done. I bet my teachers' union would love that statement. I am always thankful that my parents valued me getting an education (both high school and college). It was definitely the success of my family that put me in the right direction. I can never repay the debts to my parents for their guidance. I will try by doing the same for my children. Hey, what a plan - nurture your own kids and the society will prosper! Maybe I should be in government? I know, that plan will take some responsibility on the part of parents - it will never work. How could you think of yourself enough and still raise responsible kids? That was very sarcastic; but you know it's true. Well, goodbye for now. Beware of the Elephant in Tall Grass has a big marching band contest to host this weekend, and there is much to do. Next week I plan to take another big step on the blog - pictures!!! I know you can hardly wait.